About Picasso Three
I am like a walking talking Picasso – I’m an artist, psychologist and writer and much else besides. Guernica comes to mind, as does Les Demoiselles d’Avignon. I bridge computer science, art, politics, psychology and spirituality in my myriad works…I robot, I human
It only becomes more difficult to describe as we continue with these Deepweb1 Sites. Pablo Picasso was definitely a mentor of mine when it came to my training and interest in the fine arts. Originally the “three” came from a wordplay on “tree” as in Big Tree Harare, and also the three of us kids of most importance. In art the law of threes and thirds is also a direct relation to Picasso Three. However it is also because of my applying the arts to the sciences like astronomy and psychology that Picasso Three originates.
As I say in my bio, Picasso Three is an Artist, Psychologist, Writer or more accurately a Designer, Presenter, Actor, Artist, Writer, Typist, Poet, Psychologist, Computer Techie, Social Media Expert and Musical Spirit. I’m the famous artist three times over.